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Crysis 2 is set in modern New York City, which in just a few moments becomes a fierce battlefield between hostile forces on and off the planet. In this part, the main character Prophet sacrificed himself by being infected with the Manhattan virus. Fortunately, Prophet’s memories were saved in the Nanosuit and eventually became one with Alcatraz’s body, giving this lucky guy enough ability and experience to confront alien species and save the world. gender.

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– OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, with the latest Service Pack
– Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo at 2Ghz, or AMD Athlon 64 x2 2Ghz, or better
– Memory: 2GB
– Hard Disk Space: 9Gb
– Video Card: NVidia 8800GT with 512Mb RAM or better, ATI 3850HD with 512Mb RAM or better
– Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
– DirectX®: 9.0c


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